Smokers are at an elevated risk of developing gum problems, tooth loss, issues after tooth removal and mouth surgery, and oral cancer. Like non-smokers, smokers are also likely to contract infections that don’t heal.
Quitting smoking improves mouth cancer and gum disease developing risks besides enhancing the individual’s response to periodontal treatment. If you smoke, you must visit the dental office regularly to keep your teeth and gums healthy and receive oral cancer screenings. The dentist at the dental practice understands you have developed a lifestyle choice and will help you comprehend the consequences of smoking on your oral health.
The most typical problems affecting smokers are periodontal disease, oral cancer, soft tissue whitening in the mouth, also called keratosis, tooth decay, inefficient healing after losing teeth, loss of taste, and awful taste and halitosis.
Smoking contributes to the development of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. This infection destroys the sounding bone supporting the teeth held by the jawbone support to chewing. Gum disease results from dental plaque accumulating from food particles and bacteria. When left on the teeth without cleaning, dental plaque hardens into tartar to irritate the gums around your teeth. Smokers are typically affected by gum disease. Gum disease has two phases gingivitis and periodontitis. If periodontitis is left untreated, damage can occur to tooth structures holding the teeth and gums. Your teeth may loosen and fall out or require removal from the local dentist.
Preventing tooth loss is incredibly essential because if you lose your molars, it can create problems with chewing. Losing your anterior teeth will affect your eating ability, aesthetic appearance, and speech. Teeth are also essential to hold your facial shape in the lower part of your jaw.
Your risk of gum disease becomes higher if you smoke fewer than ten cigarettes daily and increases significantly by four or five times if you smoke excessively. You may also become vulnerable to tooth loss, making it challenging to chew foods, smile, or speak clearly if you do not replace the missing teeth.
Smoking makes gum disease challenging to detect because bleeding gums, the primary indicator of gum disease, may be absent because tobacco can cause an inadequate blood supply to the gums. Smokers do not respond to periodontal treatment from the dentist near you like other patients who do not smoke. In addition, the risk of advanced periodontal disease increases with alcohol consumption. Smoking also heightens the risk of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, a painful condition causing awful smell and taste.
As a smoker, it is essential to see the dentist in Peoria frequently for dental checkups. Symptoms of gum disease you must watch for are:
Tobacco use makes it challenging for your immune system to ward off infections. The slow immune response hampers healing after tooth removal or mouth injuries. Smoking can result in a dry socket after tooth removal, a painful condition occurring when the blood socket dislodges, increased pain after oral or gum surgery, unsuccessful dental implant placement surgery, et cetera making it essential for you to contact your dentist if you confront problems after dental treatments.
If you decide to quit smoking, your chances of developing gum disease are similar, and responding to periodontal treatment is identical to non-smokers. Therefore after you give up the habit, there is no reason to alarm if you see bleeding gums. Instead, you must seek treatment from the Peoria dentist or hygienist to learn how to care for your teeth at home. They can also provide suggestions to improve your overall dental hygiene regimen by recommending dietary choices to include a nutrient-rich diet that helps strengthen your teeth, gum, and oral health besides supporting your overall health.
The effects of smoking on oral health are not merely your smile but also your overall well-being. Learn about the adverse effects of smoking on your oral by arranging a meeting with Westbrook Village Dental. The dental practice can educate you on why you must quit smoking at the earliest to benefit your dental health.