Top 3 Reasons You Want Invisalign Instead of Braces

Top 3 Reasons You Want Invisalign Instead of Braces

Nov 19, 2018

Misaligned teeth are not only unsightly, but they can also create many other issues. Difficulty cleaning or even pain can both be expected with improperly aligned teeth. However, on the flip side of the issue, paying to have your teeth corrected can be quite pricey. Luckily, with modern technology, there are more options available to you than having to brave through braces.


Let’s face it. Braces are the worst! They can be excruciatingly painful. While the brackets in braces are not designed to be painful, they sure can tear up the soft tissues that line your mouth. This irritation caused by braces can eventually lead to developing callouses on the inside of your mouth.

Invisalign clear braces are still going to work to shift your teeth into proper position, which does entail some unpleasantness; however, unlike braces, Invisalign clear braces can be removed. So, if you want to remove them for brief periods of time while you eat or drink, you can most certainly do that.


If you get a set of braces, you can pretty much expect a several year commitment. You could be wearing braces for up to 5 years! If you go Invisalign, you can have a perfectly corrected smile in about a year and a half if used correctly.


Braces are made of metal, which is probably why they are so annoyingly painful. But, aside from annoyance, this can also pose a safety issue. The bits of metal have been known to cut up the inside of the mouth, but other things to worry about are things getting caught in your braces or blows to the head that would lead your braces to cause some collateral damage. Invisalign clear braces are smooth and will not cause such damage.

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign clear braces will not affect the demineralization of your teeth, which can cause decay. Because of this, using Invisalign will reduce your chances of developing gum disease and cavities.

Looking for some help with orthodontics in Peoria, AZ 85382 Locate a dentist to get Invisalign in Peoria, AZ 85382 and get Invisalign near you!

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