Is a Tooth Crown Important After Root Canal?

Is a Tooth Crown Important After Root Canal?

Dec 01, 2022

What is Endodontic Therapy, and why is it Important?

A root canal is a treatment for an infected or damaged tooth. The goal of the procedure is to save the tooth and prevent further damage.

A root canal usually involves removing all of the pulp tissue around your tooth’s nerve and replacing it with dental fillings containing no nerves. This restores the teeth and prevents an extraction.

You should visit a dental office near you if you have any of the following:

  • Pain in the tooth.
  • A change in color or appearance of your tooth, especially after eating or drinking something hot
  • A crack in your tooth
  • Tenderness or swelling at an area near your gum line (gingival) that does not goes away with treatment.
  • You may also be able to see signs like redness around your gums because they’re inflamed from plaque buildup—that’s why we recommend brushing twice daily!

How is Root Canal Procedure Done?

After the root canal, your dentist in Peoria, AZ, or an oral surgeon will numb the tooth with a local anesthetic. This numbing agent helps prevent pain and discomfort during and after the procedure.

The pulp is removed from your tooth and disinfected with a special solution that kills bacteria that cause infections in your mouth. Your dentist will then create an opening at the end of this canal so they can clean out all remaining debris inside it using a special tool called an explorer (also known as a periosteal elevator).

Once all of this has been done, they’ll seal off the teeth with gutta-percha and temporary fillings to help keep everything together until you have time to come back once permanent crowns are applied!

What Can You Expect After Root Canal Procedure?

After a root canal procedure, you might experience pain, swelling, and fever in your gums. The symptoms of infection can be overwhelming if not treated appropriately. If left untreated for too long or at an advanced stage, it could lead to an abscess that requires surgical removal by a dentist or oral surgeon.

Why You Need a Tooth Crown After Root Canal?

A dental crown is a metal cap that fits over the top of your tooth. It can be made from gold or porcelain, and it’s typically fitted after you have had a root canal treatment.

The purpose of a tooth crown is to:

  • Protect your healthy tooth from further damage
  • Restore its shape and function
  • Prevent sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures (which may occur due to nerve damage)
  • Improve oral hygiene by reducing friction on the gums during chewing movements while looking great!

Once your dentist has determined that you need a dental crown, they’ll prepare your tooth for the procedure. This involves removing any damaged tissue and shaping the tooth to create room.

After your tooth is prepared, your dentist will take an impression of it so that the crown can be custom-made to fit. Once the crown is ready, they’ll place it over your tooth and secure it in place with dental cement or adhesive.

Can You Leave A Root Canal Without A Crown?

Yes, you can leave a root canal without a crown and get a dental filling, but it’s not recommended. Removing the pulp leaves the tooth weak and prone to fractures. Although dental fillings can work, they are not as strong as a dental crown.

Dental crowns are made of porcelain, metals, or porcelain-fused-to-metal, and these materials are sturdy. Additionally, leaving the tooth without its crown is not recommended because of the risk of infection (and subsequent pain).

Because the integrity of the tooth after a root canal is compromised and protected only by temporary filling material, it is critical to complete the treatments with the permanent crown as soon as possible.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Westbrook Village for more information about root canals and what you can expect during the procedure.

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